Recovering From Religion
Second and Fourth Thursday at 7:00 PM Co-hosted with RfR
**You are not required to share your video or use your real name. Your anonymity is an important part of our community should you so chose.
The primary focus of a Recovering From Religion support group is to provide ongoing and personal support to individuals as they let go of their religious beliefs. This transitional period is an ongoing process that can result in a range of emotions, as well as a ripple effect of consequences throughout an individual’s life.
As such, the support meetings are safe and anonymous places to express these doubts, fears, and experiences without biased feedback or proselytizing.
We are here to help each other through this journey.
There is no cost to attend this support group but, if you feel so inclined, donations can be made at
If you find you need to talk with someone before the meeting date, RfR has a hotline and online chat for that express purpose. Call (844) 368-2848 to speak with someone. Go to and click on the green chat bubble in the lower left corner of the site to chat online.
If you are in need of professional help, we can offer the Secular Therapy Project to provide options to connect with a professional therapist. All therapists have been thoroughly vetted by our organization and offer only evidence-based and non-religious treatment. Connect with them at
Like what RfR does? Why not volunteer! There are quite a few options. Head over to for more info.
Life After Belief Groups meet for support, encouragement and growth on the process of living life without supernatural belief. Our core concerns are Community, Charting a New Course, Compassion and Coming Out.
Many in this Secular Community Group are still in various stages of recovery from religion and are processing the feelings, thoughts and struggles of leaving a religious community behind. From those who are attending their first “secular/atheist” group ever and have fears and concerns of being “found out” - to those who have been on this journey for a longer time.
We have many who are still trying to figure out if they believe or not. You are welcome here without pressure or proselytizing.
We are a Diverse and Inclusive Secular Community.
Atheist, Humanist, Non-Religious, Agnostic, Free-Thinker, Anti-Theist, Spiritual But Not Religious, Naturist, Curious But Still with Some Faith...
Green - Libertarian - Democrat - Republican - Don't Like Any of 'Em
Married - Single - Divorced - Polyamorous
This list is woefully lacking - the point is: Whatever identifier you choose, Whatever stage you are in...You are welcome here!
We welcome those that can't make it right on even if an hour late or more, drop in and join us!
The RSVP is just for head count, so please feel free to join us without an RSVP as well. We have new first-timers almost every meeting, so if you haven't come will fit right in! We host 10-20 people on a typical group night.
We look forward to you joining us soon!